Susanna Ukonaho defended her PhD thesis ”Mandates and incentives: implementing Finlands first vaccination campaign against smallpox” at the University of Turku in June 2024.
Her opponent was prof. Romola Davenport (University of Cambridge, UK). Congratulations, Susanna!

View Susanna Ukonaho's doctoral dissertation here:



Vaccinations have succeeded in preventing many infectious diseases and the emergence and spread of epidemics. However, recently vaccination coverage has decreased especially in many high-income countries due to, among other things, growing reluctance to vaccinate. As a result, many infectious diseases such as measles and whooping cough are on the rise. To prevent the effects of declining vaccine uptake, there is a global search for functional strategies to increase vaccination coverage.

Finlands first vaccination campaign against smallpox started in 1802, only a few years after the development of the first vaccine. Smallpox was eventually eliminated from Finland in 1941, but little is known about how this vaccination campaign was implemented, and to what extent it was successful. This thesis investigated the implementation of Finland’s first vaccination campaign against smallpox through three key factors: vaccination mandates, socio-economic status, and the family network.

The thesis found that Finland’s mandatory vaccination law was successful in improving vaccination coverage, surpassing 80% coverage required for herd immunity against smallpox. However, the law had varied impact on the socio-economic groups. In particular, for the lowest socio-economic group, the change in vaccination coverage was minimal and remained far behind that of other groups, highlighting the need for additional interventions to increase vaccine uptake in low-coverage communities. Grandmothers improved child survival from many infectious diseases, including smallpox, but had no effect on vaccine uptake. Hence public health authorities should find alternative strategies to promote vaccination.

These findings enable public health workers to make informed decisions on the strategies to combat declining vaccination coverage and offers general conclusions applicable to contemporary vaccination campaigns.

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John Loehr with his workgroup received EUR 225.000 grant from Kone Foundation in 2016 for their project Learning from the past: the effect of forced migration from Karelia on family life.
Karelia-project had their kick-off meeting at the University of Turku 19.4.2017. Intense discussions, good spirit and a lot of inspiration among the team!

Menikö luonnonvalinnalla jotain pieleen: Miksi nainen elää menopaussin jälkeen lähes saman mokoman vaikkei voi saada jälkeläisiä?

Virpi Lummaa

Our multidisciplinary research team is looking for a post-doctoral researcher for a three-year project investigating life history, social integration and the influence of kin in forced migrants in a 20th century Finnish population.

The project is an exciting opportunity to investigate the consequences of forced migration of over 400000 people during World War II from an evolutionary ecology and sociology viewpoint. These migrants encountered much the same traumas and faced similar prejudices and resentment that current migrants face today, making the study of this population particularly appropriate to gain insight into the present and future of current migrants.

John Loehr with his workgroup received EUR 225.000 grant from Kone Foundation in 2016 for their project Learning from the past: the effect of forced migration from Karelia on family life.

The plight of migrants has come to the forefront recently as masses of people have migrated to Europe seeking asylum from predicaments faced at home. Many people in Finland seem to have forgotten that over 400,000 Finnish people had to abandon their homes in Karelia as a result of World War II. In this cross-disciplinary project, directed by John Loehr, an ecological scientist, biologists, sociologists, historians and demographic researchers study how enforced migration has affected family relations, having children, and integration into the community.

Kimmo Pokkinen is a man behind the Finnish church book data which he has been collecting for years. He had a big day recently and there was a fair reason to serve some birthday cake for him at the university. Congratulations!

Carly, Verane, Simon, Kimmo, Virpi, Jenni, Samuli, Martin, Mirkka

The research group spent three intense days having a brilliant Project Meeting in Tampere, Finland in August 2016. The venue was the most beautiful place by the lake, surrounded by the pristine Finnish nature. A perfect venue for the best conference ever! Special thanks to our hosts Jenni and Esko.
Photos from the Project Meeting in Kesämaa, Finland, August 2016. Photos by Esko Pettay / Wild TechPhotos Oy.

Virpi Lummaa's Group: Project meeting in Finland, August 2016. Photo by Esko Pettay

Virpi Lummaa is an outstanding evolutionary biologist and her work has led to significant advances in our understanding of the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of variation in reproductive success and longevity. Her research on humans, based on detailed pedigrees, and birth and death records, revealed the selection pressures shaping life history in pre-industrial populations, and in so doing allowed for the first rigorous, scientific examination of human behavioural ecology. These findings have revealed the complex trade-offs shaping recent human evolution.
The Scientific Medal, Britain's zoological Oscar, is awarded to scientists with up to 15 years postdoctoral experience for distinguished work in zoology.

Virpi Lummaa Scientific Medal 2016 Zoological Society of London